Tuesday, January 27, 2009

International Classroom Blogs

1st grade students in Pudong China

Mrs. Hossack's 1st grade class at Shanghai American School in Pudong uses a blog to discuss upcoming events, post information and keep everyone up to date on the activities of the classroom. She uses pictures and video clips to show their accomplishments and posts some of the children's creative writing samples along with their picture. There are also slide shows to display concepts that parents can work with their kids on and resource links for extra help. She appears to post weekly and the site seems to be a great centralized location for keeping up with this Class of students in New Zealandfirst grade class!

A Year 5 & 6 class from Ranzau school in Hope, Nelson, New Zealand also utilizes a blog system. These students add posts with their name as the keyword, writing mostly short paragraphs about things they are currently learning. They even have polls where the students can log onto and submit answers on various questions, such as "Where are you going for the holidays?" and students can choose one of four answers. Lots of photos are used to visually represents what they discuss and there is a great selection of class photos. Where this site delivers great information, it also appears to be a site where the students are involved in its creativity and therefore a great learning tool.

Classroom Blogs

One classroom blog example I found was for Mrs. Poulin's Kindergarten Class. She lists general classroom information such as school holidays and announcements, but she also uses the space for posting video and pictures of current projects and events. One feature is their 'Star of the Week', where one student is highlighted and video is posted of other students telling what they like about the chosen individual. I am sure those chosen LOVE to see themselves on the internet and what great incentive for good behavior! There is recess and playtime footage posted for parents to see, as well as video of the current projects taking place. Another feature I like, is she adds links to books that are currently being read in class. These links allow parents to see and read the books online, and gives them the option to purchase them from a third party website. What a great way to stay involved with what your kids are learning!

Another classroom blog I liked is Ms. Lussier's 3rd Grade Classroom Blog. In addition to classroom announcements and general information, students can find their weekly homework assignments and upcoming test dates. She also selects students to write articles to be published on the blog about various subjects and events happening. I really like the concept of getting students involved in the content, and using the process as a teaching experience. The site includes a wish list of needed classroom items and really provides a great outlet to relay information to parents. With so many working parents and students going straight from school to daycare, class blogs such as this one help bridge the gap to parents and supply them with the information they need to stay involved.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

ACCESS Distance Learning

The ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) Distance Learning program was created by the Alabama Department of Education as a way to bridge the gap of educational opportunity throughout the state. This system allows high school students access to a wide variety of classes that can be completed right over the internet. Classes are offered in core subject areas such as math, science and social studies, but elective courses such as foreign languages, creative writing, web design and computer programming are also available.

Although it has many features, one of the greatest assets is that is gives students in rural, low-income school districts the opportunity to take advantage of classes that may not be available at their school. Some of these school districts are not able to adequately offer the higher education class necessary to fulfill Advanced Diploma requirements, that many students qualify for. Students can also take advantage of AP (Advanced Placement) courses that prepare them for higher learning opportunities or remediation help is available.

Another feature of ACCESS is IVC (Interactive Video Conferencing). IVC labs provide site to site exchange with other high schools setup with the same equipment. This allows students to take advantage of the skills and knowledge of a teacher from hundreds of miles away. Classrooms can share information and teachers can work together collectively to teach students.

The State of Alabama Education system has certainly stepped up with this program. The cost, once computer labs are established, is minimal and provides excellent alternative learning methods to kids who otherwise would not have the opportunity. Now, regardless of where you live or what district you live in, students can be provided with the education they deserve.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Video Review from The Fisch Bowl

Technology is all around us, it is inevitably the direction of our future. We see its presence everyday and each day it is incorporated even more into our day-to-day lives. For future generations, it will be even more relevant. Powerful statistics, as shown in the video at http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2007/06/did-you-know-20.html, give us proof of how much time is consumed on computers, video games and internet sites. Those of us who have kids, see first hand how the younger generations are using technology to communicate and how much time it absorbs of their lives. My 14 year old receives more text messages than I do, and when I need help with programming on my cell phone, he's the one who has all the answers. As the world becomes more reliant on technical advances, we should educate students and ensure that they are prepared for the changing world.

Reading a literature selection may or may not be interesting to a student, but sitting in a classroom and hearing the after discussion can lead to many bored minds. If students were required to read and then communicate in forums, they become involved and get to use the instruments that come more natural to them - computers. Why not take advantage of the ever expanding possibilities that technology can offer and use it to teach and inspire? Learning should be fun. I would bet that one of the largest complaints of students, is the great question "why do we need to learn this?". If academic learning can be incorporated with expanding their technical skills, they ultimately are educated while they enjoy the process and perhaps can see the practical nature of learning. Learning on a computer is more fun than reading a textbook, and there are endless possibilities.

We NEED to teach them how to use the resources out there, to take advantage of all the world has to offer. Computers allow us to bring students together across the world, to collaborate and expand their knowledge beyond their physical classroom. With the aid of a computer and an internet connection, a student has the power to learn about any subject at the touch of their hands. School systems must see this as a priority. They need to fully equip classrooms with the ability to reach out and take advantage of learning in the 21st century. If we do not get on board as educators, we are only hindering their ability to grow in a field that is most certainly the dominant control of the future.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)

The Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) website consists of interactive resources that supply teachers, students and administrators access to a collection of online educational information. Possibly one of the greatest features, allows teachers to connect and share ideas, lesson plans and resources with each other. Lesson plans are identified and paired with Alabama Course of Study standards, and can be searched or sorted by subject and grade level. Teachers have access to over 10,000 resources to help them better educate their students. Educators can even sign up for their own web site, or work space, that allows them to store lesson plans created or found through the ALEX website.

The website also supplies information on ACCESS Distance Learning, an initiative that supplies additional electronic learning opportunities to high school students across Alabama. Through ACCESS, students can take classes not offered by their local high school to develop higher skills or to provide remediation help. ALEX provides a collection of web links organized by topics, for students and teachers who are looking for additional information in a particular subject area. There are also numerous links to professional organizations for teachers and administrators looking for additional professional support.

Overall, ALEX is a wonderful source for educators and students. The site provides a central place where teachers can share education materials and resources, and a location where students can find supplemental information on a varied index of subjects and opportunities. As a future teacher, ALEX is a resource I expect to use and incorporate into my lesson plan development. With so many great ideas out there, many created from experienced teachers, there is no need to always start from scratch. Incorporating ides from others, helps to bring great ideas together, and ultimately can help lead to being a better teacher.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

About Me

My name is Helen Ramsay and I was born and raised in Mobile. I worked full time for ten years before deciding to go back to school for my Elementary Education degree and although sometimes I wish I gone back sooner, I feel that I more appreciate the education process than I did when I first attended college (a really long time ago!).

I'm married and have two children - my son is 14 and my daughter is 8. They are highly involved in sports, we maintain a year round schedule - basketball, flag football, soccer, baseball. I help coach soccer and basketball, which helps me to stay involved in their lives. I know soon enough, they'll have no part of me! Between sports, their school activities and my school work, I stay busier than I ever expected.

I like to read (but don't have much time these days), I'm trying to learn golf (but my kids seem to be picking it up quicker than I am) and I love to hang out with my family and play Rock Band.

I haven't wanted to be a teacher all my life like many of my fellow students, it's really been something I've been drawn to after having my own children and seeing the reward that comes from working with younger ages. Although, now that I have decided, I wish I could hurry up and get through school so I can just start teaching!